If you would like to order one

ov the illustrations available on this

site please send me an information

about your choice via Contact form.

In your message on the first place

write the name ov the illustration

that you have chosen – it is about

this strange words placed on the left

side ov every picture, like for example Dgjhgfjlnfgj.


The given prices includes print ov

illustration without margin. If you

would like the illustration to be printed

on the paper bigger than dedicated,

than it is ov course no problem.

You can choose whichever size

and colour ov margins you want

– just give me an information about

a RGB coordinates ov the colour

you have chosen – unless this colour

is black or white which ov course

do not need any coordinates.

For example the RGB colour coordinates

ov this inscription „Ble ble bleee ble ble”

are 255 (for red), 0 (for green),

0 (for blue).


Size ov the illustration itself can

be changed also. The given size ov

picture is the maximum size avialable.

If you would like to buy an illustration

ov the smaller size than nothing stands

on the way – just give me an information

in your message about the exact

size you prefer.


Printout ov every illustration will be made

on the high quality artistic paper 

Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308g

with higher archival properties, which

gives it longer time ov storage,

and on the high quality pigment printer.

This way ov printing guaranties

 that illustrations will keep its colours

unchanged for a very long time.


Remember that when ordering bigger

number ov illustrations the actual price

ov printing one ov them will be lower 

and the final price ov the whole order

will drop as well. It depends on

the number ov pictures that will fit

into one sheet ov paper – for example

the price ov printing two illustrations

on two separate sheets ov paper size A4

would be 2 x 40 zł which gives 80 zł,

but on the other hand printing the same

two illustrations together on the sheet

ov paper size A3 would cause decrease

in the price ov the whole printing

to total amount ov 50 zł !


Purchased printing will be signed by me

and dated with pencil on its reverse.


This site is not ov course regular shop

and it was created mostly as an exhibition

ov paintings, which are however for sale.

That is why I have`t put any prices

ov shipping and I have`t chosen any

particular shipping company. Hence

shipping price is a opene issue

and I assure you that I will try

to find the best price available from

between the shipping offers attainable

among such shipping companies as DPD,

DHL, InPost, UPS and Polish Post.

If you prefer any particular shipping

company just let me know and I guarantee

that I will do my best to adapt

to your choice.


And if you are in Warsaw, than you can

just drive up to me – my current lodging

is located in the Wola district 

– subway stops very close to my present

place ov dwelling – station Młynów.


It is ov course possible to buy any ov my

pictures paying in other currency than

zloty, you just have to convert zloty`s

to the currency that you want to pay with

and than you will get the actual price

ov every picture placed on this site.


Greetings and have a good time

while looking on my work !


P.S. And if you will notice any mistake

in my english translation ov this

site please let me know

via Contact !

If you would like to order one ov the illustrations

available on this site please send me an information

about your choice via Contact form. In your message

on the first place write the name ov the illustration

that you have chosen – it is about this strange words

placed on the left side ov every picture,

like for example Dgjhgfjlnfgj.


The given prices includes print ov illustration

without margin. If you would like the illustration

to be printed on the paper bigger than dedicated,

than it is ov course no problem. You can choose

whichever size and colour ov margins you want

– just give me an information about a RGB

coordinates ov the colour you have chosen

– unless this colour is black or white which

ov course do not need any coordinates.

For example the RGB colour coordinates

ov this inscription „Ble ble bleee ble ble”

are 255 (for red), 0 (for green), 0 (for blue).


Size ov the illustration itself can be changed also.

The given size ov picture is the maximum size

avialable. If you would like to buy an illustration

ov the smaller size than nothing stands on the way

– just give me an information in your message

about the exact size you prefer.


Printout ov every illustration will be made on the high

quality artistic paper Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308g 

with higher archival properties, which gives it longer

time ov storage, and on the high quality pigment

printer. This way ov printing guaranties that

illustrations will keep its colours unchanged

for a very long time.


Remember that when ordering bigger number

ov illustrations the actual price ov printing

one ov them will be lower and the final price

ov the whole order will drop as well. It depends

on the number ov pictures that will fit into one

sheet ov paper – for example the price ov printing

two illustrations on two separate sheets ov paper

size A4 would be 2 x 40 zł which gives 80 zł,

but on the other hand printing the same two

illustrations together on the sheet ov paper

size A3 would cause decrease in the price

ov the whole printing to total amount ov 50 zł !


Purchased printing will be signed by me

and dated with pencil on its reverse.


This site is not ov course regular shop and it was

created mostly as an exhibition ov paintings,

which are however for sale. That is why I have`t

put any prices ov shipping and I have`t chosen

any particular shipping company. Hence shipping

price is a opene issue and I assure you that I will try

to find the best price available from between

the shipping offers attainable among such shipping

companies as DPD, DHL, InPost, UPS and Polish Post.

If you prefer any particular shipping company

just let me know and I guarantee that I will

do my best to adapt to your choice.


And if you are in Warsaw, than you can just

drive up to me – my current lodging is located

in the Wola district – subway stops very close

to my present place ov dwelling

– station Młynów.


It is ov course possible to buy any ov my pictures

paying in other currency than zloty, you just

have to convert zloty`s to the currency that you

want to pay with and than you will get the actual

price ov every picture placed on this site.


Greetings and have a good time

while looking on my work !


P.S. And if you will notice any mistake in my english

translation ov this site please let me know

via Contact !

If you would like to order one ov the illustrations available on this site

please send me an information about your choice via Contact form.

In your message on the first place write the name ov the illustration

that you have chosen – it is about this strange words placed

on the left side ov every picture, like for example Dgjhgfjlnfgj.


The given prices includes print ov illustration without margin.

If you would like the illustration to be printed on the paper

bigger than dedicated, than it is ov course no problem. You can choose

whichever size and colour ov margins you want – just give me

an information about a RGB coordinates ov the colour you have chosen

– unless this colour is black or white which ov course do not need

any coordinates. For example the RGB colour coordinates ov this inscription

„Ble ble bleee ble ble” are 255 (for red), 0 (for green), 0 (for blue).


Size ov the illustration itself can be changed also. The given size

ov picture is the maximum size avialable. If you would like to buy

an illustration ov the smaller size than nothing stands on the way

– just give me an information in your message about

the exact size you prefer.


Printout ov every illustration will be made on the high quality artistic paper 

Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308g with higher archival properties, which

gives it longer time ov storage, and on the high quality pigment printer.

This way ov printing guaranties that illustrations will keep its colours

unchanged for a very long time.


Remember that when ordering bigger number ov illustrations

the actual price ov printing one ov them will be lower

and the final price ov the whole order will drop as well.

It depends on the number ov pictures that will fit into one sheet ov paper

– for example the price ov printing two illustrations on two separate

sheets ov paper size A4 would be 2 x 40 zł which gives 80 zł,

but on the other hand printing the same two illustrations together

on the sheet ov paper size A3 would cause decrease in the price

ov the whole printing to total amount ov 50 zł !


Purchased printing will be signed by me and dated

with pencil on its reverse.


This site is not ov course regular shop and it was created mostly

as an exhibition ov paintings, which are however for sale. That is why

I have`t put any prices ov shipping and I have`t chosen any particular

shipping company. Hence shipping price is a opene issue and I assure you

that I will try to find the best price available from between the shipping

offers attainable among such shipping companies as DPD, DHL, InPost, UPS

and Polish Post. If you prefer any particular shipping company

just let me know and I guarantee that I will do my best

to adapt to your choice.


And if you are in Warsaw, than you can just drive up to me

– my current lodging is located in the Wola district

– subway stops very close to my present place ov dwelling

– station Młynów.


It is ov course possible to buy any ov my pictures paying in other currency

than zloty, you just have to convert zloty`s to the currency that you want

to pay with and than you will get the actual price ov every picture

placed on this site.


Greetings and have a good time while looking on my work !


P.S. And if you will notice any mistake in my english translation 

ov this site please let me know via Contact !

If you would like to order one ov the illustrations available on this site

please send me an information about your choice via Contact form.

In your message on the first place write the name ov the illustration that you have chosen

– it is about this strange words placed on the left side ov every picture, like for example Dgjhgfjlnfgj.


The given prices includes print ov illustration without margin. If you would like the illustration

to be printed on the paper bigger than dedicated, than it is ov course no problem. You can choose

whichever size and colour ov margins you want – just give me an information about a RGB coordinates

ov the colour you have chosen – unless this colour is black or white which ov course do not need any coordinates.

For example the RGB colour coordinates ov this inscription „Ble ble bleee ble ble” are

255 (for red), 0 (for green), 0 (for blue).


Size ov the illustration itself can be changed also. The given size ov picture is the maximum size avialable.

If you would like to buy an illustration ov the smaller size than nothing stands on the way

– just give me an information in your message about the exact size you prefer.


Printout ov every illustration will be made on the high quality artistic paper Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308g 

with higher archival properties, which gives it longer time ov storage, and on the high quality pigment printer.

This way ov printing guaranties that illustrations will keep its colours unchanged for a very long time.


Remember that when ordering bigger number ov illustrations the actual price ov printing one ov them

will be lower and the final price ov the whole order will drop as well. It depends on the number ov pictures

that will fit into one sheet ov paper – for example the price ov printing two illustrations on two separate

sheets ov paper size A4 would be 2 x 40 zł which gives 80 zł, but on the other hand printing the same

two illustrations together on the sheet ov paper size A3 would cause decrease in the price

ov the whole printing to total amount ov 50 zł !


Purchased printing will be signed by me and dated with pencil on its reverse.


This site is not ov course regular shop and it was created mostly as an exhibition ov paintings,

which are however for sale. That is why I have`t put any prices ov shipping and I have`t chosen

any particular shipping company. Hence shipping price is a opene issue and I assure you

that I will try to find the best price available from between the shipping offers attainable

among such shipping companies as DPD, DHL, InPost, UPS and Polish Post.

If you prefer any particular shipping company just let me know

and I guarantee that I will do my best to adapt to your choice.


And if you are in Warsaw, than you can just drive up to me – my current lodging

is located in the Wola district – subway stops very close to my present place ov dwelling – station Młynów.


It is ov course possible to buy any ov my pictures paying in other currency than zloty,

you just have to convert zloty`s to the currency that you want to pay with

and than you will get the actual price ov every picture placed on this site.


Greetings and have a good time while looking on my work !


P.S. And if you will notice any mistake in my english translation ov this site please let me know via Contact !

Total  Symmetry

Made by Chance




ArtOvChance © 11.11.2020r.


Purchase and Shipping